Saturday, January 17, 2004

Urgent Message from the CEO..

Anime Fun TV

NewsletterIssue 16

Version 2.0


January 17, 2003


Hiya Folks!

Well as you know this is an Urgent message to everyone who watches or has videos on the show. I’m in talks with a monster truck driver to have a Anime Fun TV on his truck, for those who don?t know what a monster truck is, its basically a truck with about 6 foot tires that crush cars all over America. So anyways, we came down to a price to have the show?s logo advertised on the truck, the logo would be about the size of your average bumper sticker, it would cost about $2,500 for one year, also the logo will appear on other items such as, Toys, Video Games, etc?Now one thing’s for sure, its an awesome deal, HOWEVER! Another thing is for sure, is that I don’t have that kind of money at the moment?Now, here comes the other deal, what I’m planning on doing is having the show being sold off in shares or partnerships. “What do you mean?” you ask?Its like how the big company’s do it, they have a committee or group that own part of the business (thus being AFTV) and depending on how much they own of the company they have a say so of the show. That’s what I’m thinking of on the show, selling off or have people buy apart of AFTV and have them be apart of AFTV, but I need you The Fans & AMV Creators tell me what YOU think about this idea, there is another way to raise money for the sponsorship, and that?s Donating, however that hardly gets any money from anyone. SO! I’m ask you ALL the Fans and AMV Creators on what you think about this idea, and PLEASE tell me what you think, I need all the opinions I can get. Also add if you, Yourself would like to buy apart of AFTV. SO PLEASE, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT THE STICKER ON A MONSTER TRUCK! If you want a picture of the truck, you can Instant Message me on AIM: AnimeFunTV or MSN:AnimeFunTV(at) That’s it anime fans!

-Ernest “UltraSonic” Zamora, Jr